Hello there,
This is my first post on these kindly provided forums, but I wanted to note that I am in no way new to OpenGL programming; I have studied and used the OpenGL API for about 5-6 years now.
Anyways, on to my question, or dilemma rather:
I have been in the process of writing a modernized OpenGL-based game engine, and have made fair levels of progress. I recently (yesterday) decided to switch the engine to use OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile entirely, and drop the depreciated features in this particular build of the engine (My personal view on the depreciation, etc. is irrelevant, and I am in fact maintaining a 3.2 Compatibility Profile branch of the engine).
I took notice to the removal of all of the matrix stack functionality, including glLoadMatrix, "MultMatrix, "Translate, "Scale, "Rotate, etc. and have been a bit at a loss now.
I was curious if anyone here could point me in the right direction to write all of my own user-defined stack functionality to replace this?
I presently have an entirely from-scratch math library, and matrix code that supports everything necessary (Ortho, Perspective, Frustum, Rotate, Translate, Scale, Project, Unproject, etc.).
Basically, I wish to find a way to handle a Model View Matrix, Projection Matrix, and Texture Matrix [Normal Matrix as well, if necessary] and be able to pass them properly to my shader pipeline.
I would appreciate anyone’s concern or effort on the matter.
Thank You,